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Entries Description

  • Codex: unique record identifier applied to each site, a progressive number from 001 to 163.
  • Name: site name or code given by the archaeological project that documented the site (e.g. WT6, Cemetery 7, etc.). When a specific name/code is not available, the name of the locality is used (e.g. el-Raghayim, Sehel Island).
  • Locality: modern name of the district or village where the site is located. The spelling used is that of the original source.
  • Macrotype: first level of classification consisting of broad definitions according to function. The terminology used follows traditional practice in Egyptology/Nubiology.
    • Isolated\Scatter of Finds: Single occurrence or a group of artifacts
    • Isolated Building/Feature: Isolated building or structure of unknown function
    • Settlement: Domestic contexts of all size and function
    • Cemetery: Funerary contexts of all size, including isolated graves
    • Inscription Rock: inscriptions
    • Rock Art: Rock art, from isolated drawing to clusters of various size and density
  • Site type: second level of classification, with detailed definition in hierarchical sequence. The terms used are meant to provide information on the function and size of each site. In the case of rock art, the term concentration is intended as to define a group of panels, which exceed in number and density that defined as a cluster. Withing the range of concentrations, again the definitions are intended in a progressive manner, from distributed to densely concentrated.
    • Isolated\Scatter of Finds Isolated Find
      • Scatter of Artifacts
      • Scatter of Artifacts in Shelter
      • Scatter of Artifacts, possible cemetery
      • Scatter of Artifacts, possible quarry
      • Scatter of Artifacts, possible village
    • Isolated Building\ Feature Pyramid
      • Fortress
      • Harbor Installation
    • Settlement Campsite
      • Medium-size Long-term Campsite
      • Concentration of Campsites
      • Domestic Quarter
      • Domestic Quarter, production area
      • Village
      • Storage Area
      • Proto Urban Center
      • Urban Center
    • Cemetery Isolated Tomb
      • Cluster of Tombs
      • Small-size Cemetery
      • Medium-size Cemetery
      • Large-size Cemetery
      • Extensive Cemetery
      • Monumental Cemetery
      • Funerary Monument
    • Inscription Isolated Rock Inscription
      • Isolated Rock Inscription, location uncertain
      • Cluster of Rock Inscriptions
      • Concentration of Rock Inscriptions
    • Rock Art Isolated Rock Art
      • Cluster of Rock Art
      • Dispersed Concentration of Rock Art
      • Clustered Concentration of Rock Art
      • Dense Concentration of Rock Art
  • Chronological Phases 1-6: primarily based on absolute chronology, followed by Egyptian relative chronology.
    • Phase 1: 3800-3500 BCE, Naqada IC-IIB
    • Phase 2: 3500-3300 BCE, Naqada IICD
    • Phase 3: 3300-3100 BCE, Naqada III/Dyn. 0
    • Phase 4: 3100-2650 BCE, Dyn. 1-2
    • Phase 5: 2650-2500 BCE, Dyn. 3-4
    • Phase 6: 2500-2300 BCE, Dyn. 5-6
  • C14: radiometric dates available for each site.
  • Accuracy: degree of reliability of available data.
    • 1: Very low. Few information available. Location and chronology undefined. Data only from survey. Unreliable plans, photos, and drawings. No chance to verify data.
    • 2: Low. Few information available. Location and/or chronology known but details uncertain. Data from survey and/or excavation but with biases. Possibility to verify some data only.
    • 3: Medium. More substantial information available, including location and chronology, but still with biases. Data from survey and/or excavation, with relatively detailed reports. Plans, photos, or drawings available.
    • 4: Medium high. Substantial information available, including location and chronology. Data from survey and/or excavation up to modern standards. Maps, photos, and drawings of good standards.
    • 5: High. Excellent information, including location and chronology. Data from survey and excavation up to modern standards. Detailed maps, photos, and drawings available. Scientific analyses occasionally available.
  • Bibliography: list of major bibliographical references for each site in abbreviated format (detailed version in separate file).
  • Project: list of archaeological projects that have worked at each site in abbreviated format. In a few instances, no project could be linked to a site investigation.
    • AKAP: Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project
    • ASN: Archaeological Survey of Nubia
    • Bonn: Bonner Rheinischen Frieriech-Wilhelms-Universität
    • DAIK: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo
    • IFAO: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale
    • IMET: Missione Italiana del Museo Egizio di Torino
    • Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
    • ÖAW: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
    • Quarryscapes: QuarryScapes Project
    • SCA: Supreme Council of Antiquities
    • SIA: Schweizerische Institut für Ägyptische Bauforschung und Altertumskunde Kairo
    • Yale: Yale Toshka Desert Survey
    • YUPEN: Yale University Prehistoric Expedition to Nubia
    • WASRAP: Wadi Abu Subeira Rock Art Project
    • WHE: Wadi el-Hudi Expedition
  • Coordinates: geographical coordinates in WGS84/UTM Zone 36N. Accuracy varies considerably. For the sites south of the cataract, coordinates were retrieved from historical sources by rectifying and positioning The Topographical Survey of Egypt maps published by Reisner 1910 and Curto et al. 1967 on the GIS.